We Are Reformed
- We stand in the tradition of the Reformation faith and practice.
- We affirm the five solas and the unity of Scripture.
- We understand God to be sovereign over all things, including the salvation of his people, and to be accomplishing His eternal purpose for His own glory in all things.
- We agree that the Lord is building his Kingdom through the church, its mission and its obedience to the ordinary means of grace - Word, sacrament, and prayer.
We Are Confessional
We believe it is important to clearly articulate what the Bible teaches. For 2,000 years, the church has produced creeds and confessions declaring and summarizing essential Biblical truths. We stand with our brothers and sisters of one the one Christain church who have gone before us and confess these same truths. These confessions and creeds include the Apostles' Creed, Nicene Creed, Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, and Westminster Confession of Faith.
We Are Missional
We agree that part of being the church is being on mission for God. The Great Commission summarizes this as we seek to make disciples and see the Lord's Church grow.
- This takes place in the community of the church as we live and grow together as broken sinners, each member committed to the other as we honor the dignity of each one made in God's image.
- This happens in our neighborhoods and in our city. Through acts of love and mercy and a message of hope, we endeavor to be light in the midst of darkness.
- This occurs around the world. We partner with those who are serving the Lord among the lost and needy around the world.