Sunday School takes place weekly at 9:30-10:15am. There is no Sunday School on the first Sunday of each month. These times of fellowship and learning are a wonderful outlet for digging into the Word, for interaction and discussion, and real discipleship.
- Adult Class meets in the auditorium - During the year, the adult class will cover topics of theology, christian living, church history, and practical application of Christian truths in the family, the workplace, the neighborhood, and culture at large.
- 3rd-5th Grade meet in the lower level. They will have a great time of learning, interaction, and fun learning about the majesty of our God and how faith matters in their lives
- K4-2nd Grade meet in the lower level. Kids will be introduced to the truth of God's Word, enjoy activities and games, and most likely eat some goldfish.
- Childcare is offered for kids 0-3 years olds during Sunday School