Redeemer Community Church, as a covenant community, endeavors to encourage one another to delight in the glory of God through treasuring Jesus Christ. Humbly serving one another in a spirit of sacrificial love is a primary means of demonstrating that Christ is our greatest treasure thereby increasing one another’s delight in the glory of God. When we, by the Spirit’s power, serve one another through the gospel-centered virtues of humility and love, we receive the rich reward of being a covenant community who delights in the glory of God through treasuring Jesus Christ.
We believe that it is primarily the responsibility of the parents to shepherd, care for, and train their children in the Gospel. Redeemer is committed to assisting parents in this task. We provide Childcare and Children's classes in order to serve parents and children. We take this responsiblity very seriously, becuase we deeply desire to see our covenant children by faith lay hold of their covenant Savior.
From a very young age, we strive to catechize our Children from that they might understand God's Law, God's Gospel, God's call to a life of obedient worship.
The Philosophy of Education for Children:
Redeemer’s philosophy of education begins with a biblical world-view. Our philosophy guides our vision for the instruction of children and adults.
Creation: All that we see is God’s creation and it teaches of his existence.
Order: God chose to demonstrate his Divine majesty through creating an orderly universe that fundamentally reflects his sovereign kingship and governance. God is the King and we live in his kingdom. We live as his children and we strive to serve Him.
Rationality: God is gloriously mysterious, but also soul-satisfyingly knowable. He has made himself known generally in creation, specifically in his word and most wondrously through his Son. We strive to know God and love God with all our heart and mind.
Worship: The goal of all creation is worship of the Triune God, Father, Son and Spirit. Once God is rightly known through the gospel of his grace, and submitted to as the sovereign King over all creation, then He is to be worshipped unto the praise of his glorious grace. Our goal in biblical education is to see the Spirit produce genuine, joyful, thriving worshippers for His glory.
As we come to teach our children we must teach them how to join with us in exalting God’s glory, studying God’s Word, living in God’s world, being empowered by God’s Spirit and loving God’s Son.