
Over the past year I’ve had the privilege of participating in the teaching of our New Covenant Kids class. I’ve been so impressed with the “Jesus, What a Savior” curriculum, and all the truths that the children have taken away. In reality, the lessons have challenged my heart and helped my understanding grow as I think through the gospel and try to explain it to the children at Redeemer. Each week we’ve worked through the story of Redemption, and how it transforms our lives. It’s been such an encouragement to hear the kids recite the truths they have learned and share their insights. The last class I taught, we talked through the story of the wise man building his house on the rock, and the foolish man building his on the sand from Matthew chapter 7. We took two pretend houses, and placed one on a firm and stable rock, and then the other on something similar to sand. We talked through what the sand was symbolic of. We know that Jesus Christ is the rock, so anything else must be sand! Sand can be something like false religion, or believing I can save myself, but sand can also be something like being obedient to my parents, or showing love to others. It might even be something like coming to church, or memorizing verses from the Bible. Sand can be good, but if anything apart from Jesus is becoming my foundation, then it is sinking sand. As we sang through the chorus of “On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand” we couldn’t help but praise Jesus for being our firm foundation! It was also a great reminder that nothing apart from Christ is sufficient for our salvation. In Christ Alone my hope is found!


I couldnt have said it any better to be honest! keep up the awesome work. You are very talented & I only wish I could write as good as you do :) …

I wonder if this wouefrdnl take on the Easter message has been done before? Here we have the story of how three people remained strong in character and true to God even when society was collapsing around them. God led the widows Naomi and Ruth to Bethlehem and to Boaz who happened to be one of Naomi's family redeemers! Ruth married Boaz resulting in her becoming the great-grandmother of David and therefore an ancestor in the line of the Messiah.Not much is known about Naomi except that she loved and cared for Ruth. Clearly her life is a powerful witness to God's love and care for His people What an impact her life made on history!Incidentally, Boaz was a descendant of Rahab the former prostitute from Jericho. Yet another illustration of God's redeeming Grace!Fast forward approx 1250 years to the Crucifixion and Resurrection of our Lord, Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ the basis and foundation of Christianity. Did God's character change over those years? Not one jot! Pastor Graham asked the question, What sort of God is only Almighty? We know that God answered that question in no uncertain terms. He is our Kinsman Redeemer.It is very interesting that this sermon centres around three women, Ruth, Naomi and Mary Magdalene, for in biblical times women were considered second class citizens. Clearly no one told God.For me, it is also interesting that Pastor Graham sat on the Bench until fairly recently. I wonder if he was supplied with a bronze chariot type gadget to play with? ;)

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