This week, Redeemer will join with believers around the world in praying for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ. Hundreds of thousands of believers in different parts of the world are suffering and dying for their faith each week. As Hebrews 13:3 would remind us, Remember those who are in prison, as though in with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body. 

This coming Sunday, we will take a few minutes to pray for those Christians abroad who are being persecuted. We want you to take some time this week to become more informed about the persecution that is taking place around the world. As you learn about these countries and people groups who are suffering, please pray!

Check out the 2014 World Watch List. The World Watch List is produced each year by Open Doors, a ministry that serves the persecuted Church worldwide. They research and investigate perscution of Christians and rank the 50 most highly perscuted contries. The link above has that list along with more information on the 3 most heavily persecuted areas. 

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