buku-kuliahThere’s been a bit more traffic in our neighborhood over the last few weeks. This weekend and last, there have been several students moving into the Oakland area as the fall college semester resumes. It seems that every time I turn a corner, I see another moving truck. It’s undoubtedly an exciting (and sometimes terrifying) time for new freshmen that may be leaving home for the first time and embarking on a new phase in life. As my husband and I were driving through the heart of Oakland this week, we were talking about the importance of getting college students involved in a local body of believers. Later, I ran across this article on the Gospel Coalition blog that addresses the relationship between the college student and the local church. It gives a definition of what the church is, and it makes an appeal to the college student to not abandon the local church body.


Lastly, we are so encouraged to see students from the area worshipping and joining with our Redeemer body. It is truly uplifting to worship with you week in and week out, and to see your commitment to and love for the local church. To God alone be glory!

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