Because we live in a fallen world, there is always brokeness and hurt that surround us. There is great beauty and joy in this world, but it is always tainted by the devestation of sin. Sometimes there is just a hint of the effect of sin. Other times, the effects of living in this fallen world are devestating. And then, every once in a while, the unspeakable happens...

A Tsunami wipes out a village and kills hundreds . . . An airplane fly into skycrapers and kill thousands . . . A father takes the lives of his own children . . . A young man marches into a theatre and randomly fires into a crowd. 

When these events take place, we see the terrible and unspeakable reaches of sin. It can become extremely difficult to make sense of it all. How do we understand the devestation and hurt of sin in light of a good and loving and wise and sovereign God? 

Take some time to read the following article by Al Mohler as he helps us think through these events with a biblical worldview. 

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