Pastor Adam will be preaching from Revelation 20:7-15. If you have some time, review Revelation 19:17-20:15 in preparation for the sermon. We are on week 11 of the New City Catechism. You can go to our blog post to see the question and answer. The songs this week focus on the triumph of Jesus Christ as we finish judgment passages in Revelation. Here are the songs . . . 

The Great I Am - This is a new song for us for our call to worship

Sing to the King - A triumphant song of praise to the reigning and returning King

Behold the Lamb - A celebration of the Christ's triumph over sin and death. "The cross stands empty now and He is RISEN"

Crown Him (Majesty) A new arrangement of Crown Him with Many Crowns

Hallelujah to My King - Our response of praise to King Jesus

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