Pastor Adam introduced the sermon series on the 10 Commandments last week by looking at the distinction between Law and Gospel. This week, his sermon will focus on the first commandment. We will be focusing on question and answer 27 & 28 of the New City Catechism. 

We are thankful to have the Randolph St Mission Team from Charleston, WV with us for worship. They are here this week serving Redeemer and the East End Community.

Here are the songs for worship . . . 

And Can It Be - A great hymn of the faith rehearsing the glories of salvation

Jesus, Firm Foundation - An updated version of another great old hymn

Savior of the World - A favorite song of worship here at Redeemer

Revelation Song - A great song of praise to our Great God

O Great God - A song of reflection and committment to the only true God 

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