This week, Pastor Adam will be preaching Revelation 16:8-21. This week we will be singing about the King who saves. As we come into December, we will introduce some Christmas songs this week. As we continue in Revelation, we will see the theme of the final judment and victory. Both in Christ's incarnation as Mary's baby boy and in his coranation as the King of kings, the theme is the same: He will save his people! Here are the songs for this week's worship . . . 

The Saving One - "His blood has made a way! The grave is overcome!" 

Joyful (The One Who Saves) - Come adore the Son of God

Stronger - No matter what we face, God is able to save 

Rejoice - A great Christmas song from the birth of Christ to His return for His own

Open the Eyes of My Heart - A song and prayer as we come to our time in the Word

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